SEND support takes the form of a four-part cycle (assess, plan, do, review) through which earlier decisions and actions are revisited, refined and revised with a growing understanding of the pupil’s needs and of what supports the pupil in making good progress and securing good outcomes. It draws on more detailed approaches, more frequent review and more specialist expertise in successive cycles in order to match interventions to the child.
Review meetings are held termly but communication is always open – in person, by text or by email. It is our goal to listen to and include parents’ perspectives at all times. We hope too that targets and support strategies are made clear – for example rehearsing words or phonic sounds on a daily basis – so parents feel able to help too.
If you are concerned about lack of progress at any time, please talk with your child’s teacher, or indeed any member of staff you feel comfortable talking to. You do not have to wait until we have a more formal review meeting to share concerns.
These are the sorts of things – the facts and data – we look at and talk about to make sure we are meeting the needs of children with SEND. We don’t look at everything on this list for every child but it gives you a sense of what we care about:
- How they’re doing with learning and if they’re making good progress;
- Their behaviour – for example, few incidents at playtime;
- How involved they are in school life: activities, visits and clubs, and taking responsibilities;
- Parent feedback – your confidence and trust;
- Your child’s own sense of success and inclusion;
- Their attitudes to themselves, their peers and school;
- Their personal resilience and confidence as learners.
Some issues may raise concerns and may impact on progress and attainment but we do not consider them to be special educational needs e.g.:
- Poor attendance;
- Speaking English as an additional language;
- Being a ‘looked after’ child;
- Having poor health.
At the end of the review meeting one of three things happens:
- We decide progress is back on track and we don’t write a special ‘My Plan’ for the next term;
- We agree new targets and update the ‘My Plan’ for the next term;
- We decide to ask specialist services to support us and your child as we have further concerns and/or would like external advice and support.
Will my child always be registered as having special educational needs?
For some children a decision may well be taken to take the child off the SEND Register. They will of course be kept under review.
What records are kept? What is shared?
All the support teachers keep records of sessions e.g. scores on key words and records of progress.
Informal notes are made at the termly review meetings with the SENDCo and these are filed in the Co-Head’s Office in the SEND file.
All supporting professionals write target setting documents and review notes which are shared with parents.
Any reports or correspondence with professionals beyond the school are kept in a file in the school office. At the point of secondary transfer, we always go through this file and make sure that essential documents are passed on to the new school.