PE Summer Fun!

The children have had a blast in Summer 1!

Athletics, Cricket, Dance, Tag Rugby have all been worked in the infants and Juniors.

A massive shout out to EYFS who were brilliant in their games lesson, lots of tagging bouncing and dribbling.

Our Junior classes have worked on Thinking words in their LIFE SKILLS sessions. Words that have been used are ‘Problem Solving, Curiosity, Decision Making, Concentration and Imagination’.

Our Year 3/4 Girls and boys Football teams finished 1st & 2nd in  the borough finals! Taking our trophy tally to 6 so far this year!

Also a highlight of the term Run Kids Run – lovely to see so many of you participating and pushing yourselves on the day!

Forget the SATS! The most important day of the year is approaching…. SPORTS DAY!