Then I saw it; a whale! The boat began to rock as my comrade leaped at it, grasping an immense spear. But he missed. I was next. This mammal could feed my whole village for months. Failing wasn’t an option. I thought of all those days training with my father, who was now the eldest of our tribe. I knew not succeeding would disappoint him. Adrenalin started pumping through my body as I plunged towards the whale my spear thrusting into its skin. Blood oozed out turning the sea red. We heaved the whale back to shore. I did it!
“Emily, we’re going diving and Tee’s going down to get the wetsuits. Will you go with her?” I thought about it.If I stayed here there would be no wifi, no phones and NOTHING to do. “Yeah sure.” I jogged down the stairs, racing to get my shoes on. Tee was waiting outside. I could see my sister shivering next to me.”Has the sea air got to you?”I said.”You bet.” She replied and put her hand on my shoulder. “Come on, let’s run!” We sprinted through the golden sand.I stopped.”Is… is that a whale?”A flash of blue bobbed in the water…
Dad had his camera ready, mum with her binoculars looking over the lapping waves. Jessie had her phone on the selfie stick and was trying different poses to do when the moment came.I had my notebook balanced on my lap, my pencil in my hand. We waited. Half an hour passed and we saw nothing. Jessie got distracted and started checking Instagram. Dad was taking pointless pictures of the turquoise water that stretched endlessly every direction. Mum redid her makeup with Jessie’s cheep stuff. But I sat still my pencil in my hand. And then I saw it. The whale.
Its twelve meter long body drifted through the blue abyss while the atmosphere on board was far from tranquil. Waves lapped up at the helpless creature for the last time in almost seventy years. Preventing the whale from diving 3000 feet is a life-threatening challenge for the hunters but if they don’t they won’t eat. The thoughts streaming through the leviathans mind are completely unknown to us but it seems not to know its circumstances. The oozing liquid inside its head fools some people into thinking to its sperm but it is just an oil to help it float.
Then I saw it, the whale . Its body rose out of the water . I was surprised at how big it was . The whales fin was as big as our minuscule boat. I will kill this, I can do it I gulped back my rising terror . But if I don’t kill it, I pondered …. only the low grumble of my stomach pushed me on . Harpoon, loaded.Whale , still. In a flash I jumped on to the whales back. Then black. I awoke in my bed , clammy beads of sweat trickled down my forehead. Thank god it was a nightmare.
The encouraging cheers of my fellow whale hunters helped me focus on balancing. We had seen a spurt of a blowhole from our island of Lambata and we were on our way to kill the beast. I spotted another spurt directly in front of me. I scanned the area for anything else. A huge shape shot up from the ocean. It took me a few moments to realise what it was. The huge Leviathan had finally come. The sperm whale. All of my training would now be put to the test. I jumped forward, and missed. Blue, a shape, darkness…
“Then we saw it; the whale! The load splash of its mighty tail. The lithiation was frightening as we kept getting soaked. We got our harpoons at the ready. They saved me for after my brother as it was my first time. My brother cannot miss because our lunch would go into my own hands. He steps up anxiously and waits for his chance.”
We can’t let it go back down to its depths because now it has come to breath.
“My brother lunged for the kill… but misses. Know matters are into my own hands. I jump for my village…
You are standing by a creature, knowing it could kill you. Your head is spinning, and you don’t know what to do. This is it. All or nothing, it lies on your shoulders. The harpoon is in your hands, the barbed spike like a message from Satan. “Do it, child. Just do it. What is it to you if he dies? You’ll feed the village, come back as a hero!” Your toes grip the plank, and you take a deep breath. But then you see it; the whale! You can’t possibly be cruel enough to kill this creature. Can you?
Then it happened, a great leviathan emerged right beside us shaking our boat. Suddenly, the creature thrashed it’s humungous tail, lashing the boat with heaps of water. Frantically the crew begin chucking the water out the boat.
My Brother stepped up to the prow and readied himself to leap at the sperm whale. Getting the harpoon ready, he knew that if he missed, he may die. Then he launched himself at the beast, however he still misses. I thought to myself this is it, so I grab a harpoon and get ready….and jump! I pearse it, we are victorious!
Then we saw it, a gigantic beast thrashing its tail, salt water spraying us. We harpooned immediately, gushing blood infected the waters, spewing far and wide. Suddenly I felt the flimsy boat rocking and swaying. We clambered up to safety but it wasn’t enough. This sperm whale weighed forty-five tons and could easily push the boat under the surface. Water was accumulating quickly on our side, so men rushed to balance it. Slipping men were thrown off, when the whale lifted its brawny back. I knew this was the right thing to do. I plummeted onto the whale harpooning him.
Then I saw it; a whale! The boat began to rock as my comrade leaped at it, grasping an immense spear. But he missed. I was next. This mammal could feed my whole village for months. Failing wasn’t an option. I thought of all those days training with my father, who was now the eldest of our tribe. I knew not succeeding would disappoint him. Adrenalin started pumping through my body as I plunged towards the whale my spear thrusting into its skin. Blood oozed out turning the sea red. We heaved the whale back to shore. I did it!
“Emily, we’re going diving and Tee’s going down to get the wetsuits. Will you go with her?” I thought about it.If I stayed here there would be no wifi, no phones and NOTHING to do. “Yeah sure.” I jogged down the stairs, racing to get my shoes on. Tee was waiting outside. I could see my sister shivering next to me.”Has the sea air got to you?”I said.”You bet.” She replied and put her hand on my shoulder. “Come on, let’s run!” We sprinted through the golden sand.I stopped.”Is… is that a whale?”A flash of blue bobbed in the water…
Dad had his camera ready, mum with her binoculars looking over the lapping waves. Jessie had her phone on the selfie stick and was trying different poses to do when the moment came.I had my notebook balanced on my lap, my pencil in my hand. We waited. Half an hour passed and we saw nothing. Jessie got distracted and started checking Instagram. Dad was taking pointless pictures of the turquoise water that stretched endlessly every direction. Mum redid her makeup with Jessie’s cheep stuff. But I sat still my pencil in my hand. And then I saw it. The whale.
Its twelve meter long body drifted through the blue abyss while the atmosphere on board was far from tranquil. Waves lapped up at the helpless creature for the last time in almost seventy years. Preventing the whale from diving 3000 feet is a life-threatening challenge for the hunters but if they don’t they won’t eat. The thoughts streaming through the leviathans mind are completely unknown to us but it seems not to know its circumstances. The oozing liquid inside its head fools some people into thinking to its sperm but it is just an oil to help it float.
Then I saw it, the whale . Its body rose out of the water . I was surprised at how big it was . The whales fin was as big as our minuscule boat. I will kill this, I can do it I gulped back my rising terror . But if I don’t kill it, I pondered …. only the low grumble of my stomach pushed me on . Harpoon, loaded.Whale , still. In a flash I jumped on to the whales back. Then black. I awoke in my bed , clammy beads of sweat trickled down my forehead. Thank god it was a nightmare.
The encouraging cheers of my fellow whale hunters helped me focus on balancing. We had seen a spurt of a blowhole from our island of Lambata and we were on our way to kill the beast. I spotted another spurt directly in front of me. I scanned the area for anything else. A huge shape shot up from the ocean. It took me a few moments to realise what it was. The huge Leviathan had finally come. The sperm whale. All of my training would now be put to the test. I jumped forward, and missed. Blue, a shape, darkness…
“Then we saw it; the whale! The load splash of its mighty tail. The lithiation was frightening as we kept getting soaked. We got our harpoons at the ready. They saved me for after my brother as it was my first time. My brother cannot miss because our lunch would go into my own hands. He steps up anxiously and waits for his chance.”
We can’t let it go back down to its depths because now it has come to breath.
“My brother lunged for the kill… but misses. Know matters are into my own hands. I jump for my village…
You are standing by a creature, knowing it could kill you. Your head is spinning, and you don’t know what to do. This is it. All or nothing, it lies on your shoulders. The harpoon is in your hands, the barbed spike like a message from Satan. “Do it, child. Just do it. What is it to you if he dies? You’ll feed the village, come back as a hero!” Your toes grip the plank, and you take a deep breath. But then you see it; the whale! You can’t possibly be cruel enough to kill this creature. Can you?
Then it happened, a great leviathan emerged right beside us shaking our boat. Suddenly, the creature thrashed it’s humungous tail, lashing the boat with heaps of water. Frantically the crew begin chucking the water out the boat.
My Brother stepped up to the prow and readied himself to leap at the sperm whale. Getting the harpoon ready, he knew that if he missed, he may die. Then he launched himself at the beast, however he still misses. I thought to myself this is it, so I grab a harpoon and get ready….and jump! I pearse it, we are victorious!
Then we saw it, a gigantic beast thrashing its tail, salt water spraying us. We harpooned immediately, gushing blood infected the waters, spewing far and wide. Suddenly I felt the flimsy boat rocking and swaying. We clambered up to safety but it wasn’t enough. This sperm whale weighed forty-five tons and could easily push the boat under the surface. Water was accumulating quickly on our side, so men rushed to balance it. Slipping men were thrown off, when the whale lifted its brawny back. I knew this was the right thing to do. I plummeted onto the whale harpooning him.