Curriculum and Ethos Categories

Pupils with Special Education Needs

‘The school has high academic ambitions for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils with SEND are swiftly identified. Regular training is provided for staff on how to help pupils to access the ambitious curriculum. Pupils receive appropriately personalised support, including through high-quality interactions with staff. Pupils with SEND are fully included in the life of the school.’ Ofsted inspection 2023.

Sally Hill is the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO), as a member of the leadership team she is able to ensure that inclusion is at the heart of the school. Our priority is to make sure that children experience high quality teaching in the classroom, adapted to different levels of ability and learning style.

We invest a lot of training time in looking at what makes for outstanding teaching for all children. However, we know that for some children, some one to one work can be key in acclerating progress and meeting specific need.

In discussion with class teachers and parents, a minority of children are placed on our Special Educational Needs Register and additional help allocated with one of our support teachers, learning support assistants or, if it is felt needs are greater, an external agency such as the Educational Psychologist or Occupational Therapist. All adults working with the child meet for termly reviews so we make sure we are getting it right.

Children who have complex special needs may require a full assessment of their educational needs. When we seek to do this we always fully involve the parents from an early stage. This procedure involves the Educational Psychologist, and invariably other professionals, assessing the child.

Camden run regular events and workshops for  parents and carers of children or young people with SEND.

For more information contact: KIDS Camden, The Old Town Hall, London NW3 4QP Office: 020 7431 8476
Twitter: @CamdenSPForum