Our Humpty Dumpty topic was eggcellent!!
We made egg-protectors for Humpty Dumpty so that he wouldn’t crack when he fell off the wall. We started with an eggsperiment; testing and making predictions about materials that we thought would best protect him. We then tested these materials and used our results to make our egg-protectors. We then tested our egg-protectors by throwing them off the tower in the junior playground.
We have also all taken part in an inquiry into who pushed Humpty Dumpty. The children all took witness statements and investigated our Humpty Dumpty crime scene. We had lots of ideas of who could have pushed him; Incy Wincy Spider, the wind and even Angel and Archie owned up to it!!
Our maths has also been Humpty Dumpty themed we raced each other to see who could make the tallest wall for Humpty Dumpty in 30 seconds.