School Information Categories


As a governing body we review policy statements regularly. Below are a selection of the most relevant and popular ones. Please ask the school if there is something you are interested in that is not available on the website.

Assembly and Collective Worship

This policy details how we organise and lead our daily assemblies. We are a community school and therefore not rooted in any one faith. However we strongly believe in teaching about all religions and in exploring both their unique beliefs and traditions and their commonalities.

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Attendance and Punctuality

There is a clear and direct link between high attendance and high achievement. This policy explains how we promote and sustain these important habits. The policy also explains guidelines around exceptional leave in term-time.

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Charging and Remissions Policy

As a state school, education is free at Eleanor Palmer! There are a few areas where the law allows us to charge and/or ask for voluntary contributions. This policy explains those areas and explains how we ensure everyone is included in school activities, irrespective of income.

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Computing Policy

 As well as being on important curriculum requirement, the ability to use technology effectively and safely is a vital life skill in modern society.  We believe that if we teach our children these skills through a range of relevant, topic based tasks they will become competent and discerning users of IT.

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Data Protection Policy

Click on the image here to review our latest data protection policy, which is reviewed regularly by our Governors.

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Early Year Foundation Stage Policy

The Nursery and Reception classes follow the curriculum guidelines outlined in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) document.

This policy outlines how we bring to life the statutory framework at Eleanor Palmer.

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English Policies

Reading and writing are central to the school day! We prioritise early reading so that all children are reading fluently, as soon as possible.

The vast majority of our written work links to topic work, teachers creating meaningful reasons, motivations and audiences for writing. Alongside creative writing, children learn, as appropriate, aspects of spelling and grammar.

Our approach is fully described in our Reading and Writing Policies.

Writing Policy

Reading Policy

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Health and Safety Policy

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Helping Children Build Positive Mental Health

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Maths Policy

Maths is a central core aspect of the curriculum. This policy describes our particular approach, for example, how we group children and how we mark work and our emphasis on reasoning, problem solving and developing fluency.


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Mental Health Policy Introduction

At our school, we aim to promote positive mental health and wellbeing for our whole school community; pupils, staff and parents, and recognise how important mental health and emotional wellbeing is to our lives in just the same way as physical health. We recognise that children’s mental health is a crucial factor in their overall wellbeing and can affect their learning and achievement.

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Off Site Visit Policy

Getting out and about in London (and beyond!) is a crucial part of our school and our commitment to hands on engaging learning. This policy details the steps we take to ensure children are safe, and parents who accompany us are fully aware of their roles and responsibilities.

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Online Safety Policy

As a school we closely follow the guidance of the Local Authority, namely the Camden Online SafetyPolicy, and the wider legislative framework. This full policy is attached.

In implementing this policy we will adopt a common sense approach, which takes into account the unique characteristics of our school and its community, as well as our values, ethos and school culture.  In particular we will take into account:

  •  our close and inclusive school community, which is so highly valued by parents (see Annual Parents’ Questionnaire);
  •  our Teaching and Learning Policy, with its emphasis on experimentation, innovation, creativity, and taking risks;
  • close relationships between families and school as an important tool in safeguarding;
  • parental engagement and participation in school learning as a mean to improving children’s achievement (particularly our ‘hard to reach’ children and families);
  • our rich curriculum, for which school visitors and school trips are an integral part.



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Relationship and Sex Education Policy

All primary schools are required to teach Relationships Education and share a policy. This policy was developed by a working group with representation from senior leaders, staff, parents and carers, and governors. Our group consulted with pupils, the wider staff body, parents and carers, and Camden Learning. We have taken account of the:

  • Statutory guidance on Relationships Education, RSE and Health Education (DfE Feb 2019)
  • Equality Act 2010 and the Public Sector Equality Duty
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Remote Learning Policy

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Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

This important policy details our response to statutory responsibilities to keep children safe in our care.

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Science Policy

At Eleanor Palmer we believe that through the study of science, children develop a sense of the world and how it works!  We believe it is a great tool of exploration and collaboration.

All year groups have specified Science learning objectives which are outlined in our Long Term Plan. These objectives are broadly in line with the National Curriculum which states what year groups should cover.  Science is taught discretely for most of the year but for one term is the driving force behind the class topic.

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Special Educational Needs

Government legislation asks schools to publish a ‘Local Offer’ for children with special educational need and/or disabilities (shortened to SEND). We work within the guidance and guidelines of our SEND Local Offer rather than separating into a SEND Policy.

Our Local Offer informs parents and carers about:

  • how we welcome into our school children with special educational needs and/or disabilities ;
  • how we support them in all aspects of school life and remove barriers to achievement;
  • how we work in close partnership with parents/carers and children;
  • how we make effective provision for all of our children with special educational needs and disabilities.

Follow the link below to find out more about our Local Offer.

What is a local offer?


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Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions

We are more than happy to administer medicines to children in school – both occasional and chronic –  but we have various protocols to ensure safety and transparency. Procedures are explained in this policy.

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Teaching and Learning Policy

This is the most relevant and vital policy we hold. It describes our principles of outstanding learning and teaching, and critically, lists examples of what these principles look like in practice.


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