Y2 Indian Cooking Workshop!

Our geography-led topic is, ‘Around the World,’ and we have been learning about Asia with a focus  on India. To get the multi-sensory experience, we hosted  Spice Monkey catering school to run an Indian cooking workshop in our lab. The children learnt about the origins of spices and their purpose in cooking. They also learnt the essential survival skill of cracking open a coconut!!

Our chef demonstrated how to make a split yellow pea dal using these spices and flavours, and the children made their own chapattis dough and cooked them an open flame. They also prepared a traditional Indian dessert called Pedas, which is a milk passed desert infused with saffron. The children really enjoyed this hands-on experience, especially the tasting of their tasty creations afterwards!​​


Recipes are included if you want to recreate this Indian feast at home!