Tutankhamun’s Tomb

Tutankhamun’s Tomb

We learnt about the discovery of Tutankhamun’s Tomb.

We got into role as Howard Carter and thought about his relentless search for the ‘lost tomb’ of the ‘Boy King’ – Tutankhamun!

We watched archival footage and heard a first-hand account of his search back in 1922.

We used hot-seating to role play Howard Carter on the verge of giving up his search and then wrote a diary entry in role.

The following day we came into school dressed ready for the Howard Carter Expedition into the Valley of the Kings – only to discover a huge tomb in the middle of the classroom!!

We took turns entering and discovering – as Howard Carter did – the magnificent tomb of Tutankhamun. We stayed in role – taking care as we entered, gasping in awe at the sight of all the gold and coughing as we exited!!

We then wrote a diary entry – describing our thoughts and feelings!

What an adventurous day!!