Address writing and the Great Postcard Investigation!!

Year 1 have been learning their addresses!

We all wrote a postcard home  – it said “SURPRISE! Sending you a hug!”

We learnt that it is very important to write the whole address and to make sure it is clear. We posted our postcards – and they arrived a few days later!

We then decided to do an investigation – to find out which part of the address was most important. We sent 6 postcards with different addresses:

1. Just addressed to ‘Miss Frood’

2. Just addressed to ‘Eleanor Palmer School’

3. Just addressed to ‘Lupton Street’

4. We only wrote ‘London’

5. We only wrote the postcode ‘NW5 2JA’


6. this one had the full address!

Everyone said the postcard with the full address would reach school. Half the class thought the postcard with the postcode would reach the school. Some children – around ten – thought all postcards would get to school – even the one just addressed to Miss Frood!!

Mrs Yaffe posted the cards in Wales – a long way away from school!

The results were pretty much what we expected! The postcard with the full address arrived and so did the postcard with the postcode. The postcode usually covers a street – but we guessed the postman realised it was for a school.

The last postcard to reach us just said Eleanor Palmer School – but a kind post-person must have looked up our address. They wrote it on the postcard with a note: ‘Not without a valid address J

So now we know – thank you post office!!