I would be a king where I will have Pokemons in my land so there can be battle of Pokemons all the time. I will be fair to all the Pokemons. I will be called King Pikachu.
I would be called King George on Mondays and Thursdays also Saturdays and Sundays. On other days I would be called Queen Georgina or Lyla. My palace will have roses and flowers all around it. Anyone who likes me can come in. It will be lovely and beautiful inside. Also it will have flowery cupboards with roses and flowers and pretty things on top.
In my kingdom the rivers would be full of water dragons. There would be ferocious creatures all round my castle.
My kingdom would have red roses in and fireworks every night. Hope
I would be a king where I will have Pokemons in my land so there can be battle of Pokemons all the time. I will be fair to all the Pokemons. I will be called King Pikachu.
I would be called King George on Mondays and Thursdays also Saturdays and Sundays. On other days I would be called Queen Georgina or Lyla. My palace will have roses and flowers all around it. Anyone who likes me can come in. It will be lovely and beautiful inside. Also it will have flowery cupboards with roses and flowers and pretty things on top.
I would have a cheetah and a lion to take me to school if i were a king. I would play loads of games and eat lots of food.